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Course Description
Dr. John Nab's course is titled Communicate with Impact. Course details to come!

Dr. John Nab
Dr. John Nab is a sought-after mentor, consultant, and professional speaker. With over two decades of executive experience, Dr. Nab is well versed in business operations for any size business. Dr. Nab knows first-hand how communication, leadership and individual strengths are essential for business effectiveness and growth. With a trademark direct yet relatable style, Dr. Nab shares practical steps that inspire business leaders to dig deep to find, develop and leverage their strengths. With each interaction, Dr. Nab incorporates his personal experiences in leadership development, strategy, finance, high-performance team building, project management, training, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Nab has a proven track record for leading people and businesses to maximize their strengths and achieve top performance.

Dr. Nab is a 1994 graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City. He has been involved at the highest levels in the chiropractic profession serving numerous industry associations and has served on a college Board of Trustees. Currently, he is serving as Chairman of the High Country Chiropractic Knights, Treasurer for the Board of Directors of National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Association for the History of Chiropractic.

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